Distributed Graph Engine

Travis branch

graph-crdt is a work in progress with frequent breaking changes.

Designed for serializing arbitrary data structures, making offline edits, and seamlessly merging changes back in. All data is observable and event driven.

What for?

This graph library aims to ease the complexity of synchronizing complex and interconnected state between peers, without assuming centralized authority.

How does it work?

Truly offline systems cannot rely on any form of collaboration. They must (at some point) assume the editor is in complete isolation, such as a smartphone that lost cell service, or a server who's network is unreachable.

You have a few options:

  • Block writes
    Probably the worst experience, block all writes until the network heals. This is essentially the same as losing socket connection to your database (Rethink, Neo4j, Redis, MySQL, etc.)

  • Defer the updates
    You allow writes on the offline machine, wait for the network to heal, then publish them. If not handled perfectly, you're susceptible to merge hell on an active production environment.

  • Use a CRDT
    CRDTs (Convergent Replicated Data Types) are similar to the option above, but come with additional guarantees: regardless of the order which updates are received in, every machine will arrive at the exact same result every time, and if implemented correctly, make merge conflicts impossible*.

*graph-crdt uses Lamport time to track state mutation and resolves concurrent edit conflicts using a deterministic sorting algorithm.

This library opts for the latter, implementing a delta graph CvRDT. However, as great as they may seem, there are some cons (some specific to this library):

  • You need more data.
    Merges need a state integer on each field.

  • There is no "true" delete.
    You can remove the value, but some metadata has to stay around.

  • It only plays nice with other CRDTs.
    To merge two states, both must have the CRDT metadata (though this library allows you to upgrade nearly any data).


  • Commutative, idempotent, conflict-resolved Node unions.
  • Delta emission on Node and Graph unions.
  • Time travel (track and selectively apply deltas).


All the API docs can be found here.


  1. Node field tombstones.
  2. Graph member tombstones.
  3. Custom conflict resolvers.
  4. A new data structure (this one is a surprise).


Although I have working experience with decentralized systems (at GunDB), I'm still a n00b. This library is my best understanding of CvRDTs and how they operate. I'm open to most suggestions.